Quality control analysis of t-shirt production process to increase company productivity by using six sigma-dmaic method case study of gareng t-shirt convection yogyakarta

Ayu Anggraeni, Sugiyarto Sugiyarto


Abstract. Quality control is very important for Gareng T-shirt Convection. Gareng T-shirt Convection has realized about the quality control to avoid defects in the process of T-shirt production. One of the methods that used to improve the quality control is by using Six Sigma-DMAIC. The aim of this method is to minimize the defect which can decrease in each period. This research is doing to the Convection Company named Gareng T-shirt. The company is expected to provide tourists satisfaction as handicraft of Yogyakarta. The data is acquired by collection the number of product defects that occur in every process of t-shirt production about the last three years, from 2014-2016. The results of this research in the process of T-shirt production is there are a lot of defects such as packaging, stitching on the fabric, screen printing, and cutting. The Calculations of the defective product can be known by DPMO value that is 1,975 units with a sigma level 3.10. The results of the RPN assessment are two processes which have the big RPN value in the production of t-shirts they are screen printing process (RPN 596) and packaging (RPN 512). The analysis is using fishbone diagram and FMEA method; it is proposed to improve the quality of human resources for the company.

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