Urgency of Entrepreneurship Education for Millennial Generation

Aldeia AM Saifullah


In order to be a productive and creative nation, it should begin from the community itself. Inducing a creative attitude can be done by cultivating entrepreneurial activities. According to David Mc Clelland, a country that has many entrepreneurs is a country that the economy has the potential to quickly advance and become prosperous country. Therefore, if entrepreneurship lesson is absent from the national agenda of a country, the purpose of escaping poverty and rising to prosperity is only utopia. A country will prosper if it has at least 2 percent of entrepreneurs from the total population. According to Ciputra, Indonesia only have about 400,000 entrepreneurs, or about 0.18 percent of its population. In order for the entrepreneurial culture can really be embedded in the community, it is necessary for the habituation carried out since early on. School became a strategic place to cultivate entrepreneurial spirit since early on. The cultivation of entrepreneurial culture can be done through intracurricular and extracurricular activities. An example of entrepreneur extracurricular activity is the Market Day. Market Day activity is an activity that involves learners directly in the entrepreneurial process, ranging from production, marketing, and financial management in a simple way.

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