Teaching the Students in order to be More Communicative in Elementary school

Rahmat Sri Mashuri, Suyatno Suyatno


This research aims to describe the formation of communicative character as one of the students important skills in 21st century learning at Muhammadiyah Kauman Elementary School Yogyakarta. The communicative character of the students at Muhammadiyah Kauman Elementary School Yogyakarta is formed through the application of teacher strategy in character formation. In the process of cultivating communicative character, the interesting thing is the closeness between the teachers and the students. This research was qualitative descriptive research. Research subjects consisted of students, teachers and principal. Data collection techniques was through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique was interactive-inductive models by Miles and huberman that are; data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that students of Muhammadiyah Kauman Elementary School Yogyakarta have good communicative character. The communicative character is formed through the following strategies; integration in classroom learning, providing real examples, habituation, admonishing students, spontaneous activity, and role model. In the strategy application of students’ character formation, the teachers combine with forming closeness between teachers and students. The proximity between teachers and students makes students feel comfortable with teachers so that students do not feel awkward in communicating.

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