Leadership of Muhammadiyah Junior High Headmasters in Building Quality Culture at Gunungkidul District

Pipit Fitriyani


This research aims to describe Leadership of Muhammadiyah Junior High Headmasters in Gunungkidul District. This research was used descriptive qualitative approach with multi case study design. Data retrieval techniques were by interview, non participant observation, and study documentation. Data analysis consisted of individual case analysis and cross-case analysis. Checking the validity of the data was using the test of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability testing. The results showed that; the first style of leadership used by headmasters in Gunungkidul is the style of participatipative and delegative. Second, the style of participative is applied in the teachers’ main task, while the delegative style is applied in teachers’ additional task. Third, the leadership support of Junior High headmasters in Gunungkidul district comes from external and internal parties. External supports are: special allowances for teachers, school committee assistance, and competence and harmonious atmosphere of teachers. Internal supports are: organizational experience, educational provision, independence, and headmaster innovation power. Fourth, the obstacles of leadership come from the geographical conditions of the school, knowledge provision, and the demands of society. Fifth, the efforts to resolve the obstacles are with the policy of distributing special allowances, strengthening personal relationships, and intensive communication with the committee and guardian/parents.

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