Teachers’ Roles in Improving Students’ Self-Confidence at the Elementary Schools of Kasihan Subdistrict

Ellyana Krisnawati


One of the roles of teachers is improving students' self-confidence, which is to motivate learners to learn well, and also disciplining learners towards the rules at school and outside school, also teaches the learners to be obedient and respectful to their parents, relatives, or to older. Therefore it is expected that the nature and attitude of teachers should be smart, good, wise, polite, and courteous, because basically the teachers are the role model for learners as the source of knowledge and other skills. Teachers, who are professional, can organize learning activities effectively and efficiently, thus produces students who are smart, clever, insightful, religious, and have good characters. Research Objectives are 1) to understand the role of teachers in improving student self-confidence. 2) To understand the constraints faced by teachers in improving students' self-confidence. 3) To understand factors that influence students' self-confidence

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