Relevance of Buya Hamka Education Concept in 21st Century

Alpendi Alpendi


This research aims to find out the concept of education by Buya Hamka, and to
understand the relevance of Buya Hamka education in the 21st century. This research was using library research method. The method of analysis was descriptive and analytical method. Descriptive was used to understand and provide a clear depiction of the problem. Analytical was used in order for the writer can systematically arrange related issues that had been discussed. Assessment of data in this study was by reviewing various literatures related to the material had been studied. Hajj Abdul Malik Karim Abdullah bin Abdul Malik or Hamka, was born in Sungai Batang, Maninjau, West Sumatra, on Sunday, 16 February 1908 from a religious family. He was also a scholar and poet, also a thinker. According to Hamka, education is not only to help human beings getting a decent living, but more than that, by having knowledge humans will be able to know their God, refine their morals, and always seek the blessing from Allah. Buya Hamka distinguished the meaning between education and teaching. Education is to educate, making the learners more mature and improving learners’ attitude. Learners are creature with all their perfect potential as Khalifah fil ardh (leader on earth). The nature of education proposed by Hamka is very applicable today, in which religious education and general education are linked together, so it cannot be separated, range from the Basic Education level to the Higher Education level.

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