Restrukturisasi Pengembangan Lahan Wakaf Menuju Perbaikan Ekonomi Umat

Jumailah Jumailah


This study aims to determine the concept of the management of endowment grants for the Ministry of Religion in Pekalongan and the potential for endowments for the development of the Pekalongan community. This research uses the type of field research and normative approach, whether the implementation of waqf asset management in Pekalongan is in accordance with applicable regulations, effectively, professionally and modernly. The results of the study found that the Islamic Business Center which was built on an area of 1336 m2 by YMKP from the endowment fund from the Ministry of Religion Center was in the form of a Sharia Hotel that only produced economic benefits at the beginning of its establishment. This is due to business competition with the increasing number of hotels around Sharia hotels and there is no restructuring of the management pattern of Nazhir YMKP. As for the current conditions, the benefits are only able to fund the operation of sharia hotels. As for the Islamic Education Foundation, namely by establishing the YPI Shopping Center with a rental rental system, which consists of various outlets, namely batik, grocery, accessories, and others. In its development, YPI Shopping Center there was no significant progress, then the restructured board that was devoted to batik. So YPI Shopping Center changed its name to Buaran Batik Center (BBC). Economically, this restructuring provides a much higher profit compared to the previous concept.

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