Potensi dan Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Syariah di Banyuwangi

Syahirul Alim, Zaim Mukaffi, M Nanang Choiruddin


Sharia tourism is a new way to develop Indonesian tourism which upholds Islamic culture and values. During this sharia tourism is perceived as a tour to the cemetery (pilgrimage) or to the mosque. In fact, sharia tourism is not interpreted as such, but tourism in which it originates from nature, culture, or artificial that is framed with Islamic values. In Banyuwangi, the first sharia tourism tour in Indonesia which is beach-based was developed. In its development, experienced ups and downs related to land use, and the issue of managing sharia tourism itself. This study aims to describe the potential of Banyuwangi sharia tourism destinations, Analyze the readiness of Sharia tourism destinations through tourist perceptions in developing sharia tourism and Generate appropriate strategies to develop sharia tourism in accordance with the characteristics of Banyuwangi tourist destinations. The approach of this research is descriptive qualitative, using a sample of 100 tourists. Data sources were obtained using 3 methods, namely interviews, questionnaires and the Groub Discussion Forum. While the analysis uses the methods of strength, weakness, opportunity, and treat (SWOT). The results showed that first, sharia beach tourism is very potential to be developed and can become an icon of Banyuwangi district. Second, According to the results of the questionnaire from tourists’ perceptions about sharia tourism namely from the aspect of tourist attractions most respondents tend to state in good condition (32.6% of respondents). While seen from the aspect of the respondents’ amenities tend to say sufficient (33.1%), from the aspect of accessibility respondents rated good (59%), and institutional aspects tend to be sufficient (51%), but overall, respondents tend to say Good (35.3%). Likewise, the results of the FGD and in-depth interviews revealed that the sharia coast in Banyuwangi District had needed coordination between stakeholders (community, government, Kodim) to develop this tourism.

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