Financial Statements Fraud dengan Pendekatan Vousinas Fraud Hexagon Model: Tinjauan pada Perusahaan Terbuka di Indonesia

Shinta Permata Sari, Nanda Kurniawan Nugroho


Fraudulent financial statement is one main types of fraud that is usually done by companies to give the best financial performance information for their investors. This type of fraud is caused suspicions for financial statements users, because the financial information perform in the company’ annual report. There are some models that can be used to detect the frauds factors. The Fraud Hexagon Models is the newest one, developed by Georgios L. Vousinas (2019). All the factors in previous model: stimulus (pressure), capability, opportunity, rationalization and ego (arrogance) are developed by adding one more factor: collusions. This study aim to analyze the effect of all the fraud hexagon model factors for detecting the financial statement fraud. Samples of this study is manufacturing companies that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2018. The purposive sampling methods is used to characterize 74 companies as sample. The hypothesis analyze using logistic regression. The results show stimulus factor in terms of personal financial need, opportunity factor in terms of nature of the industry, ego (arrogance) and collusion effect on financial statement fraud. Other factors: stimulus factor in terms of financial stability, external pressure and financial target; capability factor; opportunity factor in term of effective monitoring; and rationalization have no effect on financial statement fraud.

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