Lending, Interest Income And Return On Equity At PT Bank SUMUT

Rahmat Hidayat, Ayu Mustika Pratiwi


The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the distribution of credit and interest income to Return On Assets (ROA) at PT. Bank Sumut Medan Head Office period 2013-2017.

       After identifying the problems, the formulation of problems in this study is how the distribution of credit and interest income to Return On Assets (ROA) in PT. Sumut Bank?

      This research is a descriptive approach research conducted by calculating the documentation data in the form of financial statements. The financial statements are secondary data obtained from PT. Bank Sumut Medan Head Office.

      The results showed that for lending does not affect Return On Assets (ROA), because the amount of credit distribution does not necessarily increase the amount of profit earned. Interest income also does not affect Return On Assets (ROA). Because, the amount of interest income also does not necessarily increase the amount of income or income earned.


Return On Assets (ROA), Lending, Interest Income

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