Hadith studies in nusantara: Hadith’s understanding method of Faisal bin Ahmad Shah to respon inkar sunnah in Malaysia

Fadhil Iqbal, Nur Kholis


The study of hadith in the Nusantara (Archipelago) has progressed rapidly, especially in Indonesia. The scholars involved in the field of hadith and their works prove that the researchers and studies of hadith in the Archipelago are still ongoing from time to time. One of the hadith reseacrhers from the Archipelago, Faisal Ahmad Shah has become a figure of hadith scientist who responds to the irregularities in the use and understanding of hadith in Malaysia. Moreover, the issue of inkar sunnah and misunderstanding of other traditions. The methods he offers in countering the notion of inkar sunnah are essential so that the hadith can be interpreted correctly.


Faisal Ahmad Shah; Inkar Sunnah; Hadith’s understanding method

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26555/iwos.v1i1.5723


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