The challenge of Islamic education in the disruptive era: The analysis of development and defense of Islamic education

Shifa Diarsi, Iefone Shiflana Habiba, Anaas Tri Ridlo Dina Yuliana


The reality of social perspective, the disruptive era reflects much of the negative impact that we receive. There are simply no shortcuts to meet this challenge, not only as demands, but as part of playing a role, particularly in Islamic education. The purpose of this article is to provide a concept of development and defense to Islamic education to encourage the need for complete information based on content analysis. This research is a review papers study. The era of disruptive phenomena requires the world of Islamic education to conform. In general, the solution is that Islamic education should be prioritized than other areas, since Islamic civilization arose based on science.


The Challenge of Islamic Education; Disruption; Development and Defense

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Copyright (c) 2020 Shifa Diarsi, Iefone Shiflana Habiba, Anaas Tri Ridlo Dina Yuliana

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Islam in World Perspectives Symposium

ISSN 2747-0865 (online)
Organized by Faculty of Islamic Studies
Published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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