Eva Fauzi, Uswatun Khasanah, Avisha Fitriani, Zulfa Rusmalia


Indonesia has entered the 4.0 industrial revolution since 2011 marked by increasing connectivity, interaction and boundaries between humans, machines, other resources that are increasingly converging through information and communication technology. One important component in harmonizing technological progress is character education. The development of national character must be of more concern to the government. Because, a nation with character is able to face the turmoil of world civilization. But in reality there are still many social irregularities caused by the low character education of each individual. Based on these problems the author developed a solution in the form of a conservation education movement, literacy and science (gerdu konser lisan) in elementary schools in an extracurricular form. This movement strengthens character education like reading, appreciating achievement, caring for the environment, creative, curiosity, responsibility, and social care. Gerdu konser lisan is packaged become a concrete activity and integrates existing local wisdom so that it is effectively carried out in elementary schools. The method in writing this paper is qualitative descriptive approach that comes from books and relevant research results. With the writing of this work, it is expected to be able have implications for the formation of generations with character to be wise in facing the times.

Keywords : Gerdu konser lisan, character, and education


Gerdu konser lisan, character, and education

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