Model “Turbaya Berbantuan Berlian De” Untuk Mengembangkan Nilai Integritas Dan Mandiri Siswa Sma Negeri 1 Pakem

Kusmarmi Kusmarmi


The development of turbaya kind of classroom usingthe diamond de used to develop the value of integrity and independent state or 1 Senior High School  students aqidah teaching through the subject of indonesian language with competence basic identify the structure and develop , the contents of ( problems , the argument for the project , knowledge , and recommendations ) , kebahasaan text exposition of enduring or read through the activities of debate .The same time as the debate because students are required to have broad insight , critical , and think logically and jesting strong , from the activities of debate also tested a mastery of language students In addition , the similarly shaped tool used motor of the integrity of the championship after ( upright and in right standing and mannered ) and state owned bank mandiri ( hard work , disciplinary , and courage behavior to ) of interacting social as well as for exchanging experiences , stated that the water channel , a receptive mind , a feeling of , agree with the proposed a establishment of savings and loans .But as for sintak’s that must be be done to make the character of students is able to expand well is through the activities of the selection of a tutor youthful maidens of like age , the briefing was also a tutor , to the discussion , build a link , and act and carry it the heart of the debate . In addition, expected outcomes is to increase in value integrity and independent, an increase in liveliness students in learning, cooperation among students in learning increased, increasing the quality of speak, writing argument and exposition, satisfaction and pride students and the rise in achievement debate.  However , in the learning process would have found barriers and obstacles include: time consuming , the students do not like to read and listen to , difficulty set just talk , the limited time face to face , school of bureaucratic and difficult .

Keywords: turbaya using the diamond de , the integrity and independent


turbaya using the diamond de , the integrity and independent

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