Penelusuran Miskonsepsi tentang Homonim dan Polisemi pada Mahasiswa Jurusan PBSI

Ida Bagus Putrayasa


Research titled tracing miskonsepsi about homonym and polisemi on student pbsi aims to: ( 1 ) described miskonsepsi-miskonsepsi that is the students on the and polisemi homonym, ( 2 ) described the effectiveness of transformation conception of cognitive conflict in changing miskonsepsi students on the and polisemi homonym, ( 3 ) described the student mastery of different homonym and polisemi concepts, and ( 4 ) described accepted the suitability approach based constructivism inkuiri as a ease in concept and polisemi homonym.  Design used in this research was draft his experiments with pretest-postest control group design. Design was calculated one class experiment and one class control.In class experiment used constructivism inkuiri approach based, while in class control used that the conventional approach. A hypothesis that said mastery of homonym concepts and polisemi students are taught with constructivism approach based inkuiri better than students are taught with that the conventional approach analyzed with this difference of two most average uji-t one hand . The results show that ( 1 ) miskonsepsi happened to students related to meaning homonyms and polisemi , ( 2 ) conflict transformation strategy false conception in the form of cognitive effective used in changing miskonsepsi , 3 a level mastery of ( on the concept of homonyms and polisemi for the class experimentation is good weighted: 9,53 ) , and ( 4 ) constructivism approach based inkuiri enough provide facilities for students in concept and polisemi homonym .

Keywords: Constructivism , inkuiri , homonym , and polisemi


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