Deden Ahmad Supendi


So far we know that language functions are communication tools, expression tools and integration tools. Not many know that the function of language other than that mentioned is as a tool to program the mind. In learning teachers always teach language skills, theories of language, but rarely use language as a tool of programming the mind of students, especially in motivating students, whereas there is a technique called anchoring that can be utilized when learning in the classroom in order to optimize the function of language. The purpose of this research is to know the anchoring technique in optimizing the function of language in learning. The results of this study can be applied by anyone, especially by teachers in learning activities. Anchoring techniques are techniques used by parents or teachers by instilling or programming good language with their children. This anchoring technique works like a paranormal pinned on the patient. The language used by the teacher to be the subject in the application of this anchoring technique, the subconscious mind of the student is the object, and the teacher as the facilitator.

Keywords: anchoring techniques, language, motivation, programming

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