Yurfiah Yurfiah


Low ability graders x in high school because of a lack of methods used by teachers resulted in learning literature especially wrote poems become dull . This led author to address the research is how usage method of tourism work to improve the ability to write a poem x high school students. With aims to review the use of a method of tourism can increase the work of students ability in writing a poem in class x high school .Methods used in this research is a method of qualitative descriptive. The kind of research used is research class action ( PTK ) using two cycle. Data collection research consisting of two are obsevasi and tests. The data collected analyzed using descriptive statistic .As for this research result indicates that students ability in writing poetry before it was given a test they received a score the average 5.6 . While students ability in writing a poem after they received a score the average 7.8 be given tests .This provides a significant difference between students ability in writing poetry before and after the test has increased . This shows that the use of a method of tourism work could be applied to students . 

Keywords:Learning , wrote poems , and methods the work of tourism


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