Media Pembelajaran Berbasis ICT dengan Aplikasi Powtoon Pada Materi Identifikasi Unsur Intrinsik Teks Drama

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Learning media is a tool in learning and teaching activities. As a tool, the learning media is present to facilitate the learning and teaching activities. The function of learning media in KBM is very much, that is (a) provide motivation, (b) happy, (c) active, (d) interesting, and (e) love the material taught. Therefore, teachers are expected to plan, create, and use learning media in KBM. Powtoon is a free online application service. The powtoon application is part of the utilization of information and communication technology. Powtoon can be used to create textual exposure, animated cartoons, images, and music. The features in the powtoon are very easy to use, as all the features can be accessed in one screen. All the facilities available in powtoon applications are suitable for use in learning media. Utilization of poowton on intrinsic element identification material drama text there are six stages. First, choose the text that matches the learner. Second, do the beheading in accordance with the character characters in the text. Third, choose the image to be used in the poowton app. Fourth, choose the music illustrations that match the theme and the message in the drama text. Fifth, choose a moving cartoon image that exists in a poowton app. Sixth, create and arrange learning media into poowton application in accordance with the design, objectives, and achievement of learning.

Keywords: Intrinsic, Drama Text, Powtoon

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