Asri Musandi Waraulia, Agung Nasrulloh Saputro


This study has a purpose to develop playwriting textbooks to increase students’ the cultural value character. This development research refers to the Borg and Gall development model which consists of ten stages of development, namely:  initial information gathering stage, planning stage, the developmental stage of initial production format, the initial test phase, the product revision phase, field test phase I, seconds product revision phase, field test phase II, final product revision stage, and dissemination and the last is  implementation. This research is only up to the final product revision stage without including the decimation and implementation phase due to the limited time of research. The process of textbook development is shown in the following stages: First, The validation of textbooks was assessed by three validators; the validation results indicate that the developed textbooks were classified in category good since the percentage is ≥ 75%. The initial trial results were applied to seven students of class VIII and generate student questionnaires, teacher interviews, and observer’s observations. That, trial results also produce the score playwriting which have mean 80. It can be concluded that the textbook of playwriting with the cultural value character based is applicable as the playwriting textbook for junior high school.

Keywords: Development, Writing Script of Play, and Cultural Values

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