Umi Khomisiyatun, Supriyono Supriyono


The fairy tale world is a world of imagination for children. Through fairy tales children will get knowledge and entertainment. This is because fairy tales have entertaining and useful properties (conveyers of values). One of them is in the fairy tale is the value of character education. Basically, the character is the nature that is inherent in the child from birth. Character education is an essential effort in applying morals.

This research is a descriptive qualitative research with the aim of describing how aspects of character values that exist in a series of early childhood character tales by Heru Kurniawan, et al. This research went through stages in the form of data collection, data analysis and conclusions.

The results obtained in this study are that there are character values in the series of early childhood folklore characters by Heru Kurniawan, et al. The crystallization of character values contained in the series of early childhood fairy tale characters is as follows: 1) Nationalism values are 16 fairy tale titles, 2) Nationalism values are in 15 fairy tale titles, 3) Integrity values are in 23 fairy tale titles, 4) Values independently there are in 20 titles of fairy tales, and 5) mutual cooperation values are in 25 titles of fairy tales.


Fairytale, Character, Value

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