Membongkar Unsur Intrinsik dalam Novel Komet Minor Karya Tere Liye

Khusnul Khotimah, Muhammad Haryanto


This study aims to describe and explain the building blocks of a literary or intrinsic work, including: theme, setting, plot, characters and characterizations, and the message in the novel Komet Minor by Tere Liye. The data in this study are excerpts of dialogue, sentences, and/or paragraphs in the novel Komet Minor. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method and content analysis using reading and note-taking techniques. The results of the study show that there are at least 11 characters in the novel whose characters can be identified through fragments of dialogue and/or narrative paragraphs in the novel that become a single unit with other elements of literary works to form a complete story. The building elements of a literary work are interrelated, as can be seen in the characterizations in the novel as seen from how the author describes the atmosphere through narrative paragraphs.


Intrinsic Elements, Komet Minor, and Patterns of Bonding Between Elements

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