Menumbuhkan Budaya Literasi di Era Digital dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Smartphone

Dedi Hidayat


The increasingly modern use of various technologies is so remarkable that people every day everywhere and whenever they cannot escape what is called technology, the power of trknology has helped human work with ease, one of which is the development of literary culture in human life. To that the impact of literacy culture is growing the era of globalization. Man is the successor of the future, so each one of them must be imbedded to himself as well as others. Thus, this brief study focuses on: 1) learning how to cultivate the local literacy culture in the digital age. 2) to find out how the local people are tapping into the digital literacy culture by tapping into technology. As for the population in this study, there is a wide range of pante ceureumen kab, aceh west. The removal of the sample was scrambled in the first two villages within the vicinity. It USES direct observation, observation, and observation techniques. The results of the study suggest that: 1) local communities' literacy culture grows best in the global community at an average 80% of them daily using digital technology (smartphone). 2) the average portion of local communities USES digital literacy cultures by using the printed features


Keywords: budaya, literasi, digital, teknologi

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Sumber: Maulana, M. (n.d.). Definisi, nanfaat dan elemen penting literasi digital. Diakses dari


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