Analisis Kesalahan Pemakaian Huruf pada Surat Dinas Di Desa Karangmalang Kabupaten Kudus Tahun 2020

Devi Kurnia Khikmawati, Gallant Karunia Assidik


In the activity of making official letters, the village secretary still made many mistakes. Errors in writing official letters are caused by linguistic errors in spelling elements. The existence of spelling errors is due to the village secretary's understanding of the linguistic rules of the spelling element is still lacking and there are indications of neglect of language rules in writing official letters. One way to solve problems that can be used to minimize errors in writing official letters is to conduct research on spelling error analysis. In general, the purpose of this study is to examine forms of writing errors that focus on spelling contained in the official letter of Karangmalang Village, Kudus Regency in 2020. The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research design used case studies. This research was carried out by taking an official letter in Karangmalang Village, Kudus Regency in 2020 which was addressed at Sudimoro-Karangmalang Street, Gebog District, Kudus Regency. This study used a data validity test technique in the form of triangulation of data sources. The data analysis technique used is Flow Analysis Models or what is usually called flow analysis. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the errors that are often found are errors in the use of italics as many as 69 errors, errors in the use of bold letters as many as 89 errors, errors in using periods of 39 errors. The cause of speech errors in writing official letters in Karangmalang Village, Kudus Regency in 2020 is the lack of understanding of the village secretary regarding the use of spelling in accordance with the guidelines. The village secretary did not understand the guidelines for writing official letters, so an error occurred because they used an inappropriate standard and had become a habit in writing official letters. Awareness in writing official letters is minimal due to the inefficient supervision of letters to be given to other institutions.

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