Destinasi Wisata Sastra dalam Cerita Rakyat Provinsi Jawa Barat : Kajian Sastra Pariwisata

Metah Aprilia Ardian


This research is motivated by elements of tourist destinations in folklore from West Java Province. This study aims to: (1) Explain the development of place settings in folklore from West Java related to tourist destinations (2) Explaining the position of the embodiment of folklore from West Java in popularizing tourist destinations. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this study is folklore in the province of West Java, while the object of this research is a tourist destination in West Java folklore. The data collection method in this study used interactive and non-interactive methods. On several occasions, researchers used noninteractive methods, researchers used more dominantly in this study, such as non-interaction literature review, which the author only reads from folklore and looks for factual data in several folklores from West Java province, through data processing. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, which means data that is broken down in the form of words in an effort to describe the results of the research in a real and easy to understand way to obtain data. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The background of the place which is a tourist destination. In the study of tourism literature, the background of the place contained in folklore can be a tourist destination that is in place. From the discussion above regarding the background of the place that becomes a tourist destination, it can be concluded that in depicting the setting of the place, the story related to the tourist destination can be described in the form of a cause and effect process of a folklore. As has been described in the background stories related to tourist destinations, it can be described as being loyal for life with a partner, disobedient to parents and being a greedy person who doesn't want to help. (2) The role of folklore in popularizing tourist destinations. The role offolklore is to popularize existing tourist destinations. The development of folklore is now easily available and can be accessed everywhere, both verbally and online.


Tourism Literature, Folklore, Tourist Destinations

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