Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Instagram dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi : Sebuah Gagasan Konseptual

Neissaroh Al Mardhiah, Siska Maulina, Sri Kukuh Prassetyo


Technology in the digital era has a big impact on life. Technology presents a vehicle for social media for the public. It is undeniable that social media is a medium that gets great appreciation with many users who join. Conditions like this must be used as a creative medium in learning. Indonesian is the unifying language of the Indonesian people. So that the presence of Indonesian language learning becomes important for all levels of Indonesian society. In the digital era, technology provides a door for Indonesian language learning to remain active without being limited by place, time, and teacher, but also not limited to age. The language agency in its Instagram account @badanBahasakemendikbud is one of the language activists who seek to utilize Instagram social media for learning Indonesian. In the #Tuesdaylanguage and   #kamiskamus programs, the community provides knowledge of the Indonesian language through social media technology. In addition to the Language Agency, lecturers and students can also apply it in Indonesian language lectures through Instagram. In this study, researchers used data analysis methods to find out how much influence Instagram social media had for learning Indonesian. The purpose of the research is to recognize and deepen Indonesian language learning through social media Instagram. The results of the study stated that students gain knowledge of Indonesian every day when browsing Instagram.


Instagram; Learning Indonesia Language; College

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