Cerpen Sepotong Kayu Untuk Tuhan: Representasi Profetik sebagai Alternatif Bacaan Literasi Fiksi

Jaki Yudin


This study aimed to describe and explain the prophetic representation of Kuntowijoyo in the short story of Sepotong Kayu Untuk Tuhan. The data in this study are in the form of transcendence and humanization data. The technique of collecting data were used documentation techniques by reading, recording, and reviewing. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses interactive model analysis which includes three steps, namely: data reduction; data presentation; and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the short story contains aspects of transcendence and humanization in the form of fear of God, sincerity, kingship, surrender to God, kindness to others, and concern for others. Therefore, the short story of Sepotong Kayu Untuk Tuhan can be used as an alternative reading material for fiction literacy in schools.


Transendence; Humanization; Literacy.

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