Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Dengan Aplikasi Google Sites Dengan Aplikasi Google Sites Berbasis Ensiklopedia Materi Teks Eksplanasi Kelas VIII SMP

Ramadhan Anggit Sastrawan, Hermanto Hermanto


Researchers have a strong desire to carry out the development of learning media with the Google Sites application based on the encyclopedia of explanatory text material for class VIII SMP. The aims of this study are to 1) describe each stage in implementing the development of explanatory text learning media on Google Sites based on encyclopedia class VIII SMP/MTs, and 2) describe the feasibility of explanatory text learning media on Google Sites based on encyclopedia class VIII SMP/MTs.
The type of research used in this research is the type of development research with the ADDIE model which has five steps, namely: 1) analysis; 2) design (design); 3) development (development); 4) implementation (implementation); 5) evaluation (evaluation). The subjects of this study were students of class VIII of MTs Negeri 7 Bantul and the object of the research was the material of explanatory text for class VIII. The method of data collection is done by interview and instrument. The research instrument was in the form of questionnaire and interview guidelines. The data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive techniques.
The results of this study stated that the media in developing learning media with the Google Sites application based on the encyclopedia of explanatory text material for class VIII SMP obtained "Very Eligible" results, namely with a score of 88.85. The average score obtained from the processing of material expert validation scores is 96, media experts are 76, teaching experts are 89 and the results of small-scale product trials are 94.4. Based on the results of the assessment obtained, it can be concluded that the learning media with the Google Sites application based on the encyclopedia of explanatory text material for class VIII SMP "Very Eligible" is used as a learning medium.

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