Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran dengan Aplikasi Google Sites Berbasis Ensiklopedia Materi Teks Prosedur Kelas XI MA

Novita Indriani, Hermanto Hermanto


The objectives of this reasearch are 1) to describe the stages of developing learning media using the Google Sites application based on encyclopedias on prosedural text material for class XI MA, and 2) to find out the feasibility of using  learning media with the Google Sites application based on the encyclopedia on the material of prosedure text for class XI MA. The type of reseach used is the type of development reseach with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The subjects in this study consisted of three validation experts and the user group as test subject. While the object of this research is the material of prosedure text for class XI MA. The data collection method was obtained based on the result of interviews. The result of this study stated the development of learning media with The Google Sites application based on the encylcopedia of prosedural text material for class XI MA obtained “Very Eligible” results with an average score of 85,5. The average score obtained from the results of data processing from the validation and trial team. Obtaining a material expert score of 98,4 media experts is 76,6, teaching expertise (teacers) is 81 and small-scale student trials are 86. Based on these result, it can be conluded that learning media with the Google Sites application is based on text material encylopedias. The procedure for class XI MA was declared “Very Eligible” to be used as a learning medium.


Learning Media Google Sites Encyclopedia Procedure Text

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