Pengembangan Media Focusky pada Pembelajaran Teks Iklan di Kelas VIII SMP

Farah Muthia Saputri, Roni Sulistiyono


This study aims to: (1) describe and develop focusky media on ad text learning in grade VIII and (2) describe the feasibility of focusky media development on ad text learning in class VIII.  This type of research is research and development (R&D). The model used is Borg &Gall with 10 stages of development but only up to the feasibility due to the Covid-19 pandemic, then into 4 stages of development. The 4 stages consist of (1) conducting research and data collection, (2) planning, (3) product development, and (4) early stage field trials. The subject of this study was a grade VIII junior high school student.  Based on the 4 stages of the study, validation results were obtained to experts. Based on the results of validation tests to media experts, obtained as much as 66.3% with the category "Valid" (before revision) and as much as 72% with the category "Valid" (after revision). Based on validation tests to material experts, obtained as many as 89.58% with category "Very Valid". Based on the trial to students, obtained as much as 92.27% with the category "Very Valid".  Based on the results of the validation test, focusky media development worth using.


Learning Media, Focusky, Validation

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