Pemerolehan Kosa Kata Anak Tunarungu dengan Media Kartu Bergambar Berdasarkan Kelas Kata Bahasa Indonesia di SLB B Prima Bhakti Mulia Bandung

Hana Nabila Widanti, Ghaisani Fildzah Amajida


Deaf children experience limited acquisition and delivery of audio information. According to Haenudin (2013, p. 67) states that language and speech are the result of imitation processes, so that the deaf in terms of language have distinctive characteristics, namely very limited in mastery of vocabulary, difficult to interpret figurative meanings and abstract words. An effective media alternative for obtaining information (vocabulary) is using visual media. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with classroom action research. Data obtained by means of observation, interviews, notes and questionnaires as reinforcement data. In this study there are concepts and implementation of innovative learning in the form of modification of traditional games as a fun learning method, which focuses on acquiring children's vocabulary. The media used in this study is pictorial card media (visual), making it easier for students to understand and explore information. The process of obtaining deaf vocabulary for children with pictorial card media includes: (1) understanding deaf children of the selected image, (2) telling pictures with vocabulary understood by deaf children, (3) researchers explaining images that have not been told by deaf children, (4) Deaf children are asked to retell the selected picture. The results of the analysis of research data on the acquisition of vocabulary of deaf children using pictorial card media revealed that deaf children are still generalizing to objects that have the same characteristics. Deaf children respond more to concrete things than things that are abstract. The acquisition of the vocabulary of deaf children is dominated by the noun class and little understanding of the class of adjectives. On the contrary, verbs and numeralia classes are even more difficult to understand for deaf children.

Keywords : deaf children, vocabulary acquisition, drawing card media

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