Manfaat Bermain Pasir Sebagai Usaha Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Naturalis Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun

Intan Melani


The current phenomenon, especially children aged 4-5 years in children's naturalist intelligence, is less noticed, as a result, children lack mastery of naturalist intelligence which should appear to be able to explore the environment. Children are rarely invited to explore the ingredients that are around them such as pand others. Whereas in fact through playing sand has many benefits to sharpen intelligence, especially naturalist intelligence. Naturalist intelligence helps humans to recognize patterns and changes in their environment so that they can adapt and survive, therefore stimulation in children's naturalist intelligence is as important as other multiple intelligence stimulation. Naturalist intelligence can be obtained through the activities of playing with things in the environment around us such as playing sand. Through the activities of playing sand with constructive activities, where children are able to manipulate the sand with the power of imagination, thoughts, ideas and ideas of children, with a real work that can be useful to improve naturalist intelligence. Gardner dalam sujiono (2012:302) argues that there are several ways to develop naturalist intelligence through special activities that can be incorporated into naturalist intelligence, for example: Work on tours to the beach, and play sand. Sand laying activities are very useful for improving naturalist intelligence in children aged 4-5 years. Through this paper, we can get an overview of the process of naturalist intelligence activity in children aged 4-5 years which is obtained through playing sand which is very beneficial for the lives of children.

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