Belajar Sambil Bermain Anak Usia Dini Melalui Kegiatan Percobaan Sains Sederhana

Rany Maylani


The low level of learning through simple science experiments to early childhood makes teaching and learning in schools tend to be monotonous and boring. In the fact, learning about science is often given by the lecture method, children only listen to explanations verbally by reading textbooks. So that, children not having the opportunity to develop thinking skills and process the knowledge they have acquired.

Through science activities children are involved directly with experiments that are easy and occur in everyday life. Based on Constructivistic Theory, that knowledge is built actively by children through perception and direct experience with their environment. The experience of observing, asking questions, gathering information, associating and communicating with the guidance of the teacher through play activities is a characteristic of the 2013 curriculum, one of which is applying the scientific method. This is important to discuss because learning through playing with science experimentation activities in early childhood can involve aspects of knowledge, affective and psychomotor so that knowledge to understand concepts is obtained through thought processes by having scientific process and attitude skills. Abruscato (in Amalia, 2018: 2).

Through simple science experiments in early childhood, it is hoped that teachers can provide creative ideas to prepare simple experimental material in an effort to build children's understanding of the knowledge gained. This understanding is useful for children to solve problems in daily life and can respond critically to the development of science

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