Sinergitas Tri Pusat Pendidikan Terhadap Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini

Wiwin Lestari


This era of globalization is a lot of parents who give their child care and education to full-time schools. Parents and children are not closely related, limited communication time and make children individual. Early childhood spend a lot of time in the school environment, so children lack interaction and socialization with the community. Starting from the above problems, efforts need to be made to create an optimal educational environment for early childhood development. In the golden age aspects of child development took place very rapidly which affected their knowledge and experience in the future. According to Ki Hajar Dewantara in Suparlan (1984: 110) states the family environment, school environment and community environment is called the tri education center. Every environment has an important role in the delivery of education for children of age. This matter is important to be discussed because in a good education center, early childhood will get knowledge from the results of interaction, socialization, learning and personal experience. In the family environment, early childhood gets a lot of love, fulfills nutritional needs, knowledge of religious beliefs, cultural moral values, and provision of independence. The existence of synergies and solid collaboration between parents, teachers and community members will create a harmonious educational environment, go hand in hand, and support each other so that they can realize optimal educational goals for early childhood. All parties have the same awareness to implement appropriate and enjoyable education for early childhood.

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Tirtaraharjda,Umar dan La Sulo,L 2008 “Pengantar Pendidikan” Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

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Permenbikbud 137. 2014

Pengertian Masyarakat Jurnal Tentang TriPusat Pendidikan ( masyarakat jurnal tentang tripusat pendidikan)

Teori Pendidikan Keluarga Dan Tanggung Jawab Orang Tua Dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. ( pendidikan keluarga dan tanggung jawab orang tua dalam pendidikan anak usia dini.)

Tri Pusat Pendidikan artikel makalah tri pusat pendidikan (>makalah tri pusat pendidikan artikel makalah tri pusat pendidikan)


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