Menstimulasi Perkembangan Sosial Emosional Anak Usia 4 - 6 Tahun Melalui Dolanan Jamuran

Hanifah Lathifatul Zahro


Traditional games as one of the elements of many national cultures are scattered in various parts of the archipelago, but now their existence has gradually become extinct. As time goes on, technology is growing rapidly, just as games for early childhood can be reached by gadgets, but the benefits of these games cannot be maximally obtained and override the traditional game culture. By introducing traditional games directly, children can preserve culture and can sharpen aspects that exist in children. Traditional games as a form of play activities are believed to be able to provide benefits for children's social emotional development. According to Astuti in Ika Safitri (2014:2) the game can be interpreted as a human activity of various forms as a mirror of the need to acquire knowledge. Benefits of Jamuran traditional game can hone children's social emotional development so that it arises tolerance and empathy towards others. Children are also able to understand and control themselves, and understand and use the environment. In instilling early childhood character education values can be done by playing. Slogans in early childhood education "Learning while playing, playing while learning", then one of the children's learning media is playing that can be used is traditional games, one of which is Jamuran traditional game. By using Jamuran traditional game, the development of social emotions is honed and children can preserve and recognize culture directly, so that children's dependence on gadgets that can influence the development of social emotions can be minimized.

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