Penggunaan Metode Bercerita dengan Boneka Jari Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbahasa Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

Nana Noor Aini Karuniawati


Language inability is the main cause of children not being able to communicate properly. Children are not able to answer correctly if there are questions, have not been able to pronounce letters, and retell the contents of stories that have been conveyed by the teacher. This is due to limited learning in schools that have not optimally stimulated developmental aspects speaking in children.

The development of language skills in children aged 5-6 years can be done through the method of telling stories with finger puppets. According to the theory of Nativism Noam Chomsky (1974: 78) mastery of language in children is natural and nature. Children have the means of mastery of language (language acquisition device) and are able to detect certain language categories. Bronley (1992) language is a regular symbol system to transfer various ideas or information that consists of visual and verbal symbols. It is important to discuss so that language skills in children can develop naturally with interesting and fun methods.

Through the method of telling stories with finger puppets, it is expected to improve the language skills of children aged 5-6 years. Using the storytelling method fosters interest and reading habits, helps speaking skills, increases vocabulary vocabulary, stimulates children to be actively involved in learning.

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Jurnal Online

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