Manfaat Pelibatan Anak Kelompok Usia 5–6Tahun dalam Pembuatan Alat Permaian Edukatif untuk Mengembangkan Aspek Sosial Emosional

Mita Damayani


The social emotional aspects of early childhood are now experiencing setbacks. This setback occurs due to a lack of attention to responsibility, independence, problem solving and cooperation. There are still many parents and early childhood education institutions who prioritize achievements in the cognitive field alone without being balanced with social emotional attitudes. If only the Cognitive aspects are developed, the child will experience boredom and easily give up when getting difficulties during learning. According to Suyadi (2013: 17), education is held with the aim of facilitating the growth and development of children as a whole and emphasizing the development of all aspects of a child's personality. The involvement of children in making educational games is one way to develop children's social emotional. Making a playing tool is a constructive game that indirectly children learn about independence, the attitude of responsibility to complete the project. In addition, children can learn how to solve problems encountered during activities. This is important because with an independent attitude, responsibility and good cooperation will make it easy for children to solve their problems. Through the involvement of children aged 4-5 years in making educational games, it is expected to stimulate aspects of children's social emotional development. The benefits of this method will be felt when children are able to solve problems faced and have an attitude not easily give up when they get into trouble.

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