Pengaruh Pola Komunikasi Antara Guru, Orang Tua Wali, dan Siswa dalam Proses Belajar Anak

Dewi Suprapti


The lack of success of students in understanding lessons is usually caused by a lack of students' ability to learn, either at school or at home. Many factors that influence student learning success include communication relationships between teachers, guardian parents and students do not work as they should. So that this affects the way students learn to develop their potential. Miss communication of teachers and guardian parents causes the teacher difficulty in synchronizing the habit of the child while in school or at home. Communication is very important in the learning process of children in schools to ensure that children learn more effectively. The teacher involves guardian parents to jointly condition the child in doing something. Thus the child will get used to the conditions in accordance with those taught at school or at home. Children no longer experience confusion in applying it in everyday life. Pater Mc Caethy, Brennan, Vecchiarello parent-shool Communication in the inclusive class of comprehensive model of collaboration in education internatiol Journal of human and social science vol 1 no 15 [2011] .55 states that one of the most important factors is good cooperation between school and guardian parents. Building good communication between teachers and guardian parents is expected to develop children's learning methods to be more optimal. So that the learning process of children both at home and at school can take place effectively, and children can understand the lesson or knowledge well.

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