Meningkatkan Kreativitas Melukis Anak Usia Dini dengan Teknik Aquarel di Era Milenial

Fitriyah Al Hikmah


          Creativity in painting in Early Childhood is a very important thing to improve and develop early. In the current Millennium Era the interest of painting in early childhood is less noticed by parents / teachers, even though if developed early it will find extraordinary talents obtained by children. The conditions in the field still have a lot of interest in painting a child that is low and there is a lack of methods that are suitable for the child's interests. The difficulty of painting in early childhood occurs because parents / teachers who pay less attention and less facilitate children to paint, thus inhibiting efforts to increase children's creativity in painting.In the Millennium Era early childhood is more interested in things that are more practical, interesting, and instant. According to Sumaryanto and Sumartono (2006: 17) aquarellen (aquarel technique), it is described as painting with transparent watercolor so that the layer of paint that is carried is the one that was previously applied or the white paper is still visible. Through increasing creativity in painting early childhood with aquarel techniques can train children to think innovative, critical, developing imagination, and children's creativity certainly increases.So painting with aquarel techniques if applied to early childhood is expected to increase creativity. The activity of painting with aquarel techniques is expected that early childhood can find methods according to the interests of children.

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