Manfaat Boneka Tangan Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Pada Anak Usia 2 – 3 Tahun

Danic Kanuriant


2-year-olds generally do not have a lot of mastery of vocabulary, just starting to combine two simple sentences and new 3-year-olds begin to combine two to three simple sentences at once. It is not uncommon for children to experience speech at this age so that children do not have the ability to speak properly, for example: they can only say certain sounds and words over and over or do not use words when communicating. This study uses hand puppets as a method of increasing the ability to speak of children aged 2 - 3 years, experts generally agree that research on language includes phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical, semantic development. Vigotsky in Nurbiana Dhieni, et al. (2007: 3.8) explain the three stages of speech development in children, namely the external stage, egocentric, and internal. The external stage where the source of thinking comes from outside the child, the egocentric stage where the child speaks in accordance with the path of his mind, the internal stage of the child has full appreciation. The development of speech is a process that uses expressive language in shaping meaning. The study of the development of speech in children is inseparable from the fact that there are differences in the speed of speech and the quality and quantity of children in producing language, one child can be faster or slower, with the method of hand puppet expected to improve speaking skills in children aged 2-3 year.

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