Peningkatan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Melalui Kegiatan Kolase

Nur Wahyuni


The development of fine motoric abilities of early childhood has not yet developed optimally. Children are usually only invited to write, draw and color. Monotonous learning activities make children less enthusiastic and less active in learning, so that it will directly inhibit the development of fine motor skills. Various alternative activities are needed that can develop children's fine motor skills, one of which is collage.
This is important to learn because fine motor activities are one of the activities that can be used to vary with collage, through this activity children will learn to coordinate between hands and eyes so that their fine motor skills can also be trained and developed optimally. According to Santrock (1995: 225) At the age of 4 years, fine motor coordination of children has increased and become more appropriate and at the age of 5 years fine motor coordination will increase. Saputra and Rudyanto (2005: 118) say that fine motorism is the ability of children to move by using fine muscles (small) such as writing, squeezing, drawing, grasping, arranging blocks and inserting marbles.
Through utilizing fine motor skills, there is an increase in the quality of learning that appears from the behavior of children who are more orderly, actively participating, and responding well. In addition, with collages can foster confidence, creativity and can train children's concentration.

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Kolase – kegiatan yang memiliki 9 manfaat bagi balita, (http://id. Theasianparent. Com ), diakses 27 November 2018.


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