Penerapan Metode Talking Chips Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bercerita Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

Siti Bakdiyah


The low level of teacher knowledge about various learning methods resulted in the application of the methods used less varied. This has an effect on the lack of success of the teacher in developing the abilities and potential of students, one of which is storytelling. In fact, we still find children with low levels of storytelling ability, namely children tend to be passive in class, embarrassed when asked to tell in front of the class, lack confidence in expressing opinions, difficulty telling stories from simple teachers, and lack of courage to express feelings or incident experienced.

The ability to tell stories is important to develop as an effort to optimize children's language development. Rahayu (2013: 81) suggests that children's storytelling activities can be useful in developing vocabulary, speaking skills, expressing stories conveyed according to the characteristics of characters read in pleasant situations, training children's courage to appear in public, and through storytelling can develop feelings child's confidence. If a child has not been able to tell a story, he will feel that he has failed in completing his development tasks (Monks, Knoers, & Haditono 2004). This is important to study so that the above problems can be solved by applying the talking chips method.

Through the application of cooperative learning the talking chips type is expected to improve the ability to tell stories to children aged 5-6 years. Increasing the ability to tell stories allows children to achieve the task of developing language better, so that it will affect the child's speaking ability as an adult.

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