Pengenalan Membaca Awal Dengan Metode PECS Untuk Anak Usia Dini 2 – 3 Tahun

Rini Ariyanti


The method of reading for early childhood is still fixed on text or writing that may be less attractive to children. The fact that there are currently young children are required to be able to read as a condition for entering the next level of education. Seeing this phenomenon, many parents want their children to be able to read quickly at an early age, which in fact early childhood has stages of reading that they go through.

Through this PECS method children can learn to read according to the characteristics and stages of the child's early reading development. According to Cochrane Efal, as quoted in Brewer (in Heru, et al. 2018: 4.5.6), the initial reading stage of the child is divided into five stages of reading, namely the magic stage, the stage of self-concept formation, the reading stage, the reading introduction stage, and the reading phase. . This is important to discuss because the PECS method can teach reading and habituation to children. As a teacher or parent can teach early reading, habituation and provide rules that will be done by children both at home and at school.

Through the PECS method it is expected that children can learn to read early pleasantly without any demands and compulsion on their children. Habits and rules can also be formed in children according to their characteristics. Children are active learners, what they see and hear will quickly absorb them.

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