Penanaman Karakter Pada Anak Usia Dini di Era Post Truth dengan Menggunakan Local Wisdom Untuk Menyongsong Indonesia Emas 2045

Inevianti Amir


As the era progresses more globally in the Post Truth Era, the highly sophisticated mass media, rapid technological advances are more information for children than information obtained from parents or teachers. Through television programs, even video games can be easily uploaded via the internet, the entry of information to children is difficult to limit. The school environment does not only carry out cultural transformation to the younger generation, helps determine the way of life, abilities, skills that must be taken and obtained by students.

Local Wisdom or Local Wisdom is education that teaches students to always be concrete with what is faced. Students will be increasingly challenged to respond critically. Local wisdom in early childhood is the value of attitudes that underlie children's behavior. Both moral-religious, social-emotional, language and art development. (Ibnu Hamad, 2011).

The noble values inherited from the old generation to the younger generation should not be abandoned. Schools have a big role in maintaining their existence. As a young generation, trying to explore the value of existing local wisdom so as not to be lost in the times. One way to avoid the negative effects of various information is by instilling moral values more intensively and effectively teaching students to realize the value of truth, kindness, and beauty, through the process of considering the right values and habituation to acting consistently so as to create a generation of Indonesian gold 2045.

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Setyowati, Dra. Titik. 2012. Menumbuhkan Kearifan Lokal pada Anak Usia Dini melalui Pendidikan Nilai. Jurnal UT Surabaya (online), (, diakses 28 November 2018.


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