Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidik PAUD di Daerah 3T dengan Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan Berbasis Teknologi

Ninda Rulinting


The lack of equal distribution of educators makes the 3T regions experience differences in the quality of educators with other regions. This difference has an effect on the teacher's expertise in providing innovative technology-based learning and learning media related to children's knowledge about today's development. The number of programs from the government that are not in accordance with the objectives. The indifferent attitude of the people in the 3T region to the development of technology has made children increasingly isolated from the times.

             E. Kim (2005) and R. S Jones (2013) in Siswandoko, (2013: 307) suggest that teacher professionalism is the most important factor in realizing continuous quality education. Because of the importance of the teacher, Kim even suggested that "the quality of education can not exceed the quality of teachers".This shows the importance of technology-based training for PAUD teachers in developing learning media that are creative, innovative, and in accordance with their times. As well as to generalize children's knowledge in 3T with other cities or districts. The implementation of technology-based PAUD educator training is expected to equalize the knowledge that children receive in the 3T area with other regions.

The implementation of technology-based training can improve the quality of PAUD educators in the 3T area. The benefits of technology-based training will be felt by educators, the community and the most important thing is felt by students in learning and learning.

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