Peran Tripusat Pendidikan Untuk Mewujudkan Karakter Anak Usia Dini yang Berbasis Budaya Multikultural

Ariningsih Rahmawati


Aspects that need to be considered in realizing the character of early childhood are multicultural aspects, because Indonesia is one of the largest multidimensional countries in the world. However, problems often arise due to the diversity of cultures we have ranging from ethnic, religious and racial differences. Therefore, multicultural self-awareness is needed by early childhood so as to form a strong national character for the next generation.

Multicultural education is the idea of an educational reform movement and a process that aims to change the structure of educational institutions so that children become members of diverse races, ethnicities, languages and cultures have equal opportunities to achieve academics at school. Tripusat education in association there are three environments, namely family, school and community environment. Ki Hajar Dewantara (Ahmadi, 2004) in this environment influences the formation of children's character and personality.

The role of parents, teachers and the environment is very important in developing children's potential to build a better character of children, so that maximum effort is needed and done early. The community must teach children to respect and uphold the existence of various differences in culture and nation. In addition, the family environment plays an important role in maintaining and preserving existing culture as a symbol of self-identity to continue to advance the existing culture.

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