Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia yang Humanis Pada Anak Usia Dini di Era Milenial

Yuliana Tegar Mandiri


Lack of interest of students in learning due to the limitations of the media used. The teacher's understanding of multimedia learning is still very low so that its use in the learning process has not run optimally. There are still many educators who rely on how to teach with the old paradigm.

Munandi, (2008: 152) When students use interactive multimedia, they are invited to engage in audio, visual, and kinetic. Certain educational institutions have not all educators in the school utilize learning resources appropriately for early childhood. Even though there are many learning resources that can be used by educators to help the learning process. This shows the need for the development of humanistic multimedia learning in order to improve student learning outcomes.

The application of multimedia learning in schools is currently not maximized. Teacher's knowledge is still very minimal and requires innovation in planning and implementing learning.

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