Membangun Karakter dan Sosial Anak Usia Dini Melalui Media Scrap Book

Resita Resita


The collapse of morality and character of a nation is a problem in the life of this country and the lack of social communication of children with the surrounding environment becomes a problem for children. Therefore early childhood education is very influential in the aspects of intelligence and behavior of children in preparation for pre-school times.

Character education according to socrates is a soul education for the growth of ethical values in humans because that is how humans grow and nurture the soul (Doni Koesoema, 2007: 28). Character education is education that involves the cultivation of knowledge, love and cultivation of good behavior which becomes a pattern / habit of children (Directorate of PAUD, 2011: 5). The mental and character formation begins at the age of 0-6 years before entering the first level in elementary school (SD) so it is very important to build character and social early childhood to become provision in the future life. So, school institutions, parents and the surrounding environment work together in building character and socially accustomed children at school can be applied at home both in thinking and behaving.

Through the scrap book media, it is expected to facilitate teachers in delivering character and social aspects to children and instill religious values from an early age. How to use this scrap book media with the method of storytelling, question and answer and discussion and the application of scrap book media can be made to study at school or at home.

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