Jamaluddin Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Siti Khadijah, Muhammad Faidurrahman, Kasmiati Kasmiati, Adla Alfiyaty Fadhla, Reni Agustiani, M Bahrul Ulum D, Engel Bertus Bere, Yusrawan Yusrawan


Utilization of waste into eco-bricks aims to manage waste into useful products in the midst of society. Ecobricking is carried out because the condition in Sempayau Village is still a lot of solid waste scattered and there is still a lack of public awareness of waste processing. The preparation stage includes field surveys and collection of plastic waste from the surrounding environment and determining the time of the activity and the location of the implementation. The implementation stage is socialization and direct practice in directing the manufacture of eco-bricks using previously collected plastic waste. The method used in this activity is a direct approach to children. This activity is expected to increase the knowledge and creativity of the children of RT 01 and RT 02 Sempayau Village in reducing the generation of plastic waste capacity in the community.


Garbage, Eco-brick

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