Pelatihan Ketahanan Keluarga dan Konseling Keluarga pada Konselor Keluarga dan Masyarakat di Kalurahan Ngalang, Gedangsari, Gunungkidul

Tri Wahyuni Sukesi, Herman Yuliansyah, Surahma Asti Mulasari, Sulistyawati Sulistyawati, Fatwa Tentama, Ahmad Fanani Ghazali, Bambang Sudarsono, Lu'lu' Nafiati


Family resilience is one of the things that is the target of national development in Indonesia. The existence of good family resilience can increase the ability of the family as the smallest structure of society to overcome various problems, both social and non-social. Community access to family counselors is low even though the reporting system has been made online. This is because the way of access is not widely known by the public. The purpose of community service (PKM) is to strengthen knowledge about family resilience and family counseling both to family counselors and the community through training, improvement of reporting systems and socialization and training on how to access the reporting system of family counseling services. The method is carried out by means of training/workshops and monitoring the evaluation of activities. Activities are carried out starting June 18, making the reporting system, September 16-17 for training activities and September 23-24 2020 for monitoring and evaluation. The results obtained from this service were an increase in knowledge about family resilience and counseling as indicated by the results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test that 17 of 19 respondents had better knowledge afterward than before and value = 0.000 where there is a difference in the mean before and after the training.


family; counseling; counselor; resilience

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Copyright (c) 2023 Tri Wahyuni Sukesi, Herman Yuliansyah, Surahma Asti Mulasari, Sulistyawati Sulistyawati, Fatwa Tentama, Ahmad Fanani Ghazali, Bambang Sudarsono, Lu'lu' Nafiati

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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