Processing Local Food Training for Housewives Community in Terong 1, Terong Village

Cita Eri Ayuningtyas, Annisa Parisudha, Ramadhani Khairunnisa


Local food is food produced from local resources. The potential of local food is often ignored and depreciated by the community. The potential of local food sources in the Dlingo area is quite a lot, such as corn, cassava, roots, and others. The utilization of local food processing in this area is still quite less than optimal. Even though the potential for processed local food can be marketed at tourist sites in the surrounding area. The lack of knowledge and skills in the community are caused of the low utilization of local food which is negligible. From this explanation, the service team tries to provide education and skills to partners in utilizing local food. Partners who participate in this activity are housewives who live in the  Terong 1, Terong Dlingo Village. The purpose of this service is to increase the knowledge and skills of partners in local food processing in the region. The implementation method is in the form of socialization stages, counseling about the benefits and potential of local food, and training in local food processing. The results of the activities can be seen in the evaluation at the end of each activity. participants increased new knowledge and skills in local food processing. The participants were very enthusiastic in the activity and at the end of the training they were able to make local food preparations such as crispy getuk, cassava cheese and corn sticks. The impact that can be seen from this activity, the participants want to try the processed product again at their own homes.


Local Food, Traning, Dlingo

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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